3 things every Egyptian startup needs to do right now

07 November 2023

Omneya Nabil photo

Omneya Nabil

Content Alchemist

Here we are, in the throes of a challenge that calls for unity. We, as Egyptians, need to rally around our local businesses and their products. Why? Because, by virtue of a far-reaching boycott of foreign goods inspired by the atrocities happening in Gaza, they are our lifeline to boosting the local economy.

In response to this call, many have taken to heart the importance of supporting local businesses. There’s just one problem—where are they?

“People are ready to support and buy from local brands. They are actively seeking replacements. But they just don’t know that they’re out there.”

In just a month, more than 10,000 Palestinians have lost their lives, most of which were children and women. In response, Egyptians have actively boycotted international brands, including Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Netflix (to name a few).

The outcry for local industry support in these times of crisis truly embodies the resilience and fortitude of the Egyptian people — a nation armed with a potent spirit. 

The situation now presents a golden opportunity for local startups. To tap into this wave of domestic support, companies must harness the power of the internet to let the world know they exist. As an Egyptian startup, here are three things you can do right now:


1. Establish your online presence

Think of your online presence as your new shop window. It’s not enough to just have a physical location anymore. Here’s what you need to reach your customers who are online: 

  • Create a user-friendly website: Your website is your brand’s home base, your ‘virtual storefront’. Hire a communications agency to create a website that clearly communicates who you are and what you do.
  • Invest in SEO: Search Engine Optimisation is crucial. Optimise your website for search engines to increase visibility and rank higher in search results — after all, what use is a website if it can’t be found?
  • Engage in social media: Be it Facebook, Instagram, X or TikTok, select platforms that align best with your brand’s target audience. Remember, it’s not just about being online, it’s about being active, engaging, and present.

2. Connect with your audience

There’s an art to authentically engaging with your audience, and it’s more than just broadcasting your message. So, how exactly can you connect with your audience?

First, you must know who your audience is. Who are you selling to? What are their needs, their pains, their concerns? This may seem obvious, but grasping the details of your target audience often feels like chasing an elusive ghost.

After you’ve identified your target customer, get to know them on a deeper level ― their preferences, likes, dislikes, and so on. Don’t just take the demographics at face value. Dive deeper. This will help you understand what’s important to them and how your products can fit into their lifestyle. 

When that is done, you should:

  • Listen to your audience: Use social media and feedback tools not just for marketing, but for listening, too. What do people say? What are they looking for? What do they like or dislike? Get an actual dialogue going, and you’ll learn far more.
  • Create content that resonates: Share stories about your products ― how they’re made, who’s making them, what makes them unique. People love stories, and it’s a fantastic way to draw them in.
  • Show empathy and support: In times like these, it’s vital to recognise the emotional state of your audience and respond with empathy. Acknowledge their concerns and demonstrate how your brand is supportive. Create content that provides useful information or aids in some way.
  • Invite customer participation: Organise contests, ask for suggestions, run polls — customers feel more connected to a brand when they’re part of its story.

3. Promote your products

To effectively showcase and promote your goods and services, traditional marketing techniques won’t cut it.

We’re operating in the digital sphere, remember? Here’s what you can do instead:

  • Focus on content marketing: Good, reliable content can establish your brand as an authority in your industry, build trust among your audience, and drive organic traffic to your site.
  • Use influencer marketing: Collaborating with popular influencers in your field can significantly boost your product’s visibility and credibility.
  • Adopt email marketing: Yes, emails still work wonders, especially for personalized offers and consistent customer engagement.

How we support Egyptian startups

At Mind your Words, we launched a campaign to help five up-and-coming Egyptian startups for free. The startups received:

✔ A free content audit of their existing copy – across all platforms!

✔ A free positioning statement to introduce their brand.

✔ A free brand story to share with the world. 

✔ A free website hero message to showcase their UVP.

✔ A free social media bio to use across their accounts. 

We’re also offering discounts of up to 50% to newly established startups and NGOs. You can contact us for more information.



The power to reshape the future of Egypt’s economy starts now, and it starts with you. There’s a whole nation ready to back local businesses like yours.

It’s your responsibility to let them know about your existence and what you stand for. So, will you rise to the occasion?


Omneya Nabil

Omneya is the co-founder of Mind your Words, focusing on helping startups tell their stories and create effective content strategies. Throughout the past 17 years, she has helped 100+ brands connect with their customers through the power of words. 

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