6 homepage mistakes to avoid in your startup website

09 October 2023

Omneya Nabil photo

Omneya Nabil

Content Alchemist

So, you’ve decided to create a website for your business. Finally. I know it can be quite challenging to create a compelling homepage that works for you.

Don’t let that intimidate you. I’m going to share with you six common homepage mistakes and, more importantly, how to avoid them. 

Why you need a website
The importance of a website for startups cannot be overstated. It’s your digital home, storefront, and most powerful marketing tool. Think about its impact on your business—heightening brand visibility, building credibility, brimming with crucial information, and serving as a 24/7 online shop. Don’t you want that competitive edge in today’s digital-savvy marketplace?

You may be active on social media, but that doesn’t excuse you from having a website where you’re in full control of your content and the algorithm.

Now that we’ve established that, let’s move on to the most common mistakes you need to avoid.  

6 common homepage mistakes

Throughout my career, I’ve seen a lot of homepages that do more harm than good for a brand. For the sake of simplicity, here are the top six mistakes that can confuse your visitors and turn them away: 

1. Unclear messaging

Have you ever landed on a site that left you wondering what the company does or who it actually targets? 

An ambiguous message not only confuses your site visitors but also loses an instant chance to convert visitors into loyal customers. Things don’t have to play out that way. There’s an art to crafting a message that resonates with your visitors and invites them to engage with your website.

It is crucial to clearly communicate what your business does and the value it provides to potential customers. Avoid using jargon or industry-specific terms that may confuse people. Instead, focus on using simple and concise language that clearly conveys the benefits customers can expect from your product or service.

2. No unique value proposition

A clear, succinct, and unique value proposition isn’t just nice—it’s crucial. 

It’s a promise to your customers. It’s why your customers should buy your product or service. 

According to Investopedia, a value proposition should clearly explain how a product fills a need, communicate the specifics of its added benefit, and state the reason why it’s better than similar products on the market. 

Presenting your unique value effectively takes skill. Weave your words in a way that resonates with your visitors, ignites interest, and drives action. 

3. Cluttered homepage

Another mistake is having a cluttered homepage with too much information. Often, in a bid to impress, some websites end up looking like a billboard at Times Square—overwhelming and cluttered. 

But less is more in the world of web design. Think: simplicity and elegance. Your homepage should guide users towards your end goal seamlessly. You might have fantastic products or services, but if your homepage is cluttered, it creates cognitive overload that confuses visitors, and they leave. Can you afford to lose potential customers due to a cluttered homepage? I don’t think so. 

While it is important to provide relevant details about your business, overwhelming visitors with excessive text, images, or videos can lead to confusion and make it difficult for them to understand your message. Instead, prioritize the most important information and use visual elements strategically to guide visitors’ attention and create a clean and organized homepage.

Also, ensure that every element on your homepage serves a purpose and contributes positively to the user experience. Keep the content digestible, the interfaces clean, and the design consistent. Remember, an organized and minimalist homepage paves the way for an efficient and effective user journey. 

4. Generic messages

Using generic or cliché messaging is another common mistake. Your homepage should stand out and differentiate your business from competitors. Avoid using generic phrases like ‘we are the best’ or ‘we provide top-notch service’ without providing specific evidence or examples to support these claims. Instead, focus on highlighting your unique strengths, such as innovative features, exceptional customer service, or specific achievements that set your business apart from others in the market.

Moreover, your branding should reflect your original ideas, core values, and innovation. Yes, it might be a tougher path, but it’s worth it. Because visitors recognize authenticity, and that builds trust. By painting a vivid image of your brand through your website’s messages, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

5. Neglecting your audience 
One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to crafting your website’s homepage. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that your homepage needs to appeal specifically to your target demographic. 

Understanding their needs, concerns, and desires will help you tailor your messages to resonate with them. Remember, a high-converting homepage is not about you—it’s about your target audience. Make them feel understood and catered to on your homepage with targeted messaging that speaks to them directly. 

6. Lack of a clear CTA

Lastly, a common messaging mistake is lacking a clear call-to-action (CTA) on the homepage. Your homepage should guide visitors towards taking a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, requesting a demo, or making a purchase. Without a clear and prominent CTA, visitors may leave your website without taking any action.

Whether your goal is to make a sale, get an email subscriber, or simply inform the visitor better, a well-structured, strategically-positioned CTA will help you get there. A good CTA takes into account both the content it’s embedded in and the audience it speaks to. So keep it simple, engaging, and action-oriented to garner the best results. 


Understanding and implementing an effective homepage is crucial for the success of your business. An engaging homepage can be a deciding factor on whether a visitor converts into a lead or a customer, or simply clicks back and moves on to your competitor’s site. Thus, avoiding these common homepage messaging mistakes is non-negotiable—not if you want to stand out in today’s hyper-competitive landscape.

Do you need help finding your brand’s positioning, developing a unique selling proposition, or crafting compelling messages for your website? At Mind your Words, we help solopreneurs and early-stage startup founders do just that. 

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can help you. 


Omneya Nabil

Omneya is the co-founder of Mind your Words, focusing on helping startups tell their stories and create effective content strategies. Throughout the past 17 years, she has helped 100+ brands connect with their customers through the power of words. 

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