Let's showcase your Egyptian brand!

It’s time to go local, and so we’re delighted to help bring Egyptian brands into the spotlight. As a gesture of support to our local economy, we’re giving away FREE services to FIVE Egyptian companies. Is it going to be you?

Made in Egypt Campaign

What you'll get

  • A content audit of your existing copy – across all platforms!
  • A positioning statement to introduce your brand.
  • A unique brand story to share with the world. 
  • A website hero message to showcase your UVP.
  • An updated social media bio to use across your accounts. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you giving away free services?

We believe in supporting and uplifting the local Egyptian business community. Offering these free services, we aim to help Egyptian companies strengthen their online presence and brand identity. It's our way of contributing to the success of the business ecosystem in Egypt.

What does your agency do?

We offer affordable marketing communications services for solopreneurs and early-stage startup founders.

What do you want in return?

We don't seek anything in return for these free services. Our primary goal is to support and uplift Egyptian brands. If you're delighted with the results and wish to share your positive experience, a testimonial would be greatly appreciated.

Wait. What is a content audit?

A content audit is a comprehensive review and analysis of all the content on your website and other online platforms. It involves assessing the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of your existing content. This process helps identify what's working and what needs improvement.

How long will it take to get the work done?

It usually takes us between 7 and 10 days to deliver the work. The exact time depends on the amount of content we'll be auditing. That's the biggest chunk of our work.

What if I don't get selected?

If you're not among the five businesses selected for our free services, don't worry! You can still contact us as we're offering discounts of up to 50% to newly established startups and NGOs.
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