Your role in cultivating Egypt's business ecosystem

10 November 2023

Habiba Marei


In these transformative times, Egyptians have been demonstrating unity and commitment to their local businesses. Inspired by global concerns and motivated by a desire to support homegrown entrepreneurship, consumers are increasingly turning their attention to Egyptian startups. These businesses are more than just enterprises; they are the backbone of our economy and hold the key to a brighter, more resilient future.


The interconnectedness of the local business ecosystem

Our local business ecosystem is a complex web of interconnected ventures. Each business, whether it’s a small startup or a well-established enterprise, relies on others for growth and sustainability. When one succeeds, it can have a cascading effect that benefits the entire ecosystem. This ecosystem is like a living organism, with each business playing a vital role.

This is how supporting local startups can create a ripple effect. Your choice to buy from a local business doesn’t just help that specific business; it also benefits local suppliers, service providers, and the communities where these businesses operate. When local businesses thrive, they can generate more job opportunities, which, in turn, strengthen the community and contribute to the country’s economic well-being.


Does the consumer choice matter?

Supporting local businesses is not just a short-term gesture; it contributes to long-term economic resilience. A thriving local business ecosystem means that Egypt can weather global economic storms more effectively. The stronger our local businesses, the more robust our economy becomes. Your purchasing decisions are investments in the stability and future of our nation.

Egyptian startups are often pioneers in their respective industries. They drive innovation, bringing fresh ideas and technologies to the forefront. By supporting local startups, you encourage the incubation of new concepts that can lead to groundbreaking changes in our society. These startups have the potential to disrupt traditional markets, creating opportunities for growth and development.


The pivotal role of Egyptian startups

Local startups should be actively engaged with their communities. Their success goes beyond profits; it’s about making a positive impact. Whether it’s supporting local causes, participating in community events, or initiating social responsibility projects, startups have the power to change lives. There are countless stories of startups that have stepped up to address local challenges, making a real difference.

Rather than viewing each other as competitors, local startups can benefit from collaboration. When they work together, they can achieve more than they could alone. Cooperative efforts can lead to collective growth, creating a harmonious ecosystem where every business has a role to play. The success of one business can pave the way for others to flourish.


The significant role of consumers

As consumers, every purchase we make is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. The choice to support local businesses is a choice to nurture a vibrant and resilient Egyptian economy.

To make informed decisions, research and choose local products and services when possible. Your choices have a direct impact on the strength and sustainability of our local business ecosystem.



The power to reshape the future of Egypt’s economy lies in collective efforts. Egyptian startups are the heart of our local business ecosystem, and they need our support to thrive. When you choose local products, engage with local businesses, and advocate for policies that foster entrepreneurship, you play a pivotal role in nurturing these ventures. 

In these transformative times, it’s your responsibility to help Egypt rise to the occasion and shape a more vibrant, innovative, and resilient economy. Your choices matter, and together, we can cultivate a thriving local business ecosystem that benefits us all.



How we support Egyptian startups

At Mind your Words, we’ve launched a campaign to help five up-and-coming Egyptian startups for free.

So, if you’re an Egyptian company that wants to establish or promote your digital presence in the market, register your company for a chance to get:

✔ A free content audit of your existing copy – across all platforms!

✔ A free positioning statement to introduce your brand.

✔ A free brand story to share with the world. 

✔ A free website hero message to showcase your UVP.

✔ A free social media bio to use across your accounts. 

We’re also offering discounts of up to 50% to newly established startups and NGOs. You can contact us for more info.


Habiba Marei

Habiba is the co-founder of Mind your Words, focusing on helping startups with their digital marketing strategies. Her passion for marketing and expertise in content creation empower her to help customers connect with their audience on a deeper level. 

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